
Professional Supervision, Coaching and /or Mentoring

With Jenny Packard

Jenny provides professional supervision and mentoring to a wide range of people  in the helping professions such as counsellors, psychologists, clergy, field workers, doctors, nurses, and educators.  She also works with people in business, particularly those in management roles.

garden statueJenny sees supervision/mentoring as a collaborative relationship within which people can reflect on themselves and their work, and receive feedback, guidance, support, and challenge.  Jenny is committed to being open, respectful, and protecting the privacy of the relationship so that people can be as frank as possible without the usual work, social, and family constraints.

The main purpose of supervision/mentoring is to facilitate the development of people’s professional competence. It can help people deal with personal issues that impinge on their work.  It can help people deal with difficult situations, and it can help with professional and personal goal setting. It can also help people to reduce stress, and maintain confidence and esteem.

Jenny has been a supervisor and mentor for over thirty years gaining experience from working with hundreds of people.  It’s work she enjoys and her approach is down- to- earth and supportive.  She attends regular supervision herself both individually and in a peer group.  She has a qualification in clinical supervision and has run workshops and been an assessor for supervisors’ training.  She is also an accredited supervisor with the New Zealand Association of Counsellors.

General Background

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAJenny also works as a counsellor in private practice.   She has been in private practice for over thirty years and before that worked as a social worker and a family therapist.  She also runs meditation courses with her husband, George Packard, and has a lively interest in her own spiritual development.

She welcomes enquiries and can be contacted either by phone on

(04) 934-8629 or by email at